Monday, March 14, 2011

welcome to my best friend

rachel face.
this happens to be my bestest of all best friends of my whole life.
she is pretty.
we like to do fun things together. some of them very normal...others...not so much.
here are just a few:

make shirts
talk about boys
play with ketchup packets
take road trips
photo shoots
be crazy
paint things
ding dong ditch random objects at doorsteps
live on the beach
90% off clearance shopping
eat like not normal people do
be peru
budget meetings in target
make lists
sometimes acually accomplish things on our list...or not
build iron man
laugh a lot
curb eating jeep driving
listen to music
play with The Boys
send packages
go to shows
deal with my electronic issues
explore the strip
play with dinosaurs
have a slumber party and only sleep
make yummy things
talk about life
give blood
go to the temple
shop at di
fasion shows at lunch
quote funny things
wear ill fitting jewelry to the beach
be happy

basically, we love our lives.
it pains me to leave such an awesome friend
rachel really is the best friend i have ever had :) we have so much fun together. i love me some casey-rachel time. i don't know what i would have done without her through the last 5ish years of my life. she is freakin hilarious and makes me laugh all the time. plus, we are friends no matter what else happens. forever. that is the best. i'm grateful for a friend who is such a good example to me. she has a strong testimony that amazes me and is always ready and willing to serve anyone at any moment. i'm going to miss her so much. she makes me happy and i love her sooooo much.
so so so much.

happy cakes and daggers
[except not really anymore] :)

i love you friend!!!